Hi! My name is Luther Barragan and I just moved to Illinois. I'm a detail-oriented Web Developer with a commitment for delivering elegant, user-friendly solutions effectively and efficiently. Armed with a great understanding of front and back end development. Looking to enhance my professional experience with an IT company specializing in web development.
Auto Listings is a marketplace and solutions provider for the automotive industry that connects car shoppers with sellers. All the data displayed is being retrieved from the marketcheck’s API making it a more dynamic web app.
Made with: JavaScript CSS3 Bootstrap 4 Sass React.js Node.js Express REST API
Search, Discover & Review over 2.6 billion books! Get book recomendations, save & remove books from your personal "book list" and more! This project uses Goodreads API to get book data.
Made with: EJS Sass Bootstrap 4 JavaScript Axios Node.js Express MongoDB Mongoose
With this little web app you can submit a photo URL and it will return all the faces found in the photo with all their information such as age, gender and ethnicity group. This web app uses Clarifai's API for it's main functionality.
Made with: Bootstrap 4 JavaScript React.js Axios Clarifai
POKEPEDIA is an encyclopedia about Pokémon. Search and get full information about any Pokemon. This wiki uses PokéAPI's RESTful Pokémon API as it's main source of data for all of the information displayed.
Made with: HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Webpack Babel Axios MVC